Welcome to The Grange Academy - Learning for Life
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The Grange Academy

Welcome toThe Grange Academy

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Vision, Values, Aims and Ethos

Our aims and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


We believe in "Learning for Life"


Our Vision


“Learning for Life” at The Grange Academy

5 Key Principles


  1. Lifelong learning: We foster an understanding of continuing education and personal development throughout life.
  2. Adaptability and resilience: We teach flexibility and perseverance to overcome challenges and obstacles.
  3. Critical and creative thinking: We develop pupils’ skills to think critically and creatively in solving problems.
  4. Knowledge application and curiosity: We support applying knowledge practically while fostering curiosity to understand the world.
  5. Responsibility and ethics: We emphasise taking responsibility for one’s actions and contributing positively to the school and wider community.


Our Key Aims


  • To create an inspirational learning environment where everyone is respectful, responsible and makes the right choices

  • To promote independence and high levels of challenge and achievement for all in order to develop the necessary skills for a successful, fulfilling life


Our Values and Ethos

 3 x R + S = The Grange values







At The Grange Academy we teach a values based education alongside the Agora learning partnership values in order to create a values based community including the fundamental British Values of  democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  Values education provides a framework for enabling pupils to become thinking self-responsible and caring citizens.


Values are taught in assembly and reinforced by all staff members when the opportunity presents itself. 

Values we have learnt about:


  • Manners/respect
  • Caring
  • Tolerance
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Honesty
  • Generosity
  • Integrity
  • Humility
  • Change
  • Empathy
  • Appreciation
  • Kindness
  • Self-regulation
  • Determination
  • Equality
  • Happiness
  • Well-being

The Agora Children's Pledge


By the time I am 11 I will have…

  • had the chance to express my views on school issues and be listened to
  • had my academic, sporting or creative talents celebrated – at school or outside
  • taken part in a public event (with parents or others - for example talent show, assembly, either sports, dance or concert or visual arts)
  • taken part in a play or reading that involves either acting, speaking or helping with the production
  • been on an educational visit and had an opportunity for an overnight stay
  • helped others through voluntary activities
  • been to an artistic or sporting event … at a theatre, stadium or arena
  • learned about other cultures and faiths
  • worked with children from other schools in our Trust on a project, event or experience
  • experienced the wider curriculum, practical science and technology
  • learned to play a musical instrument