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Global Citizenship and RE Day

Friday 17th March marked Global Citizenship and RE day. Our learning for the day focused on what it meant to be a ‘Global Citizen’ and the children reflected on how we can all be responsible for the world around us. Each class then also spent time looking at charities who work to inspire global citizenship as well as role models including Lenny Henry, creator of Comic Relief, and Bob Geldof, organiser of Live Aid.

RE day also coincided with Comic Relief; the children came to school wearing non-uniform in exchange for a donation for Comic Relief. Further money was raised by the competition ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar’ as well as the raffling of two amazing cakes made by Mrs Curd.  Children from the whole school were entered into the ‘red’ raffle and children had the opportunity to win some Red Nose Day merchandise as the prizes.

During the afternoon, children had the opportunity to take part in ‘Grange Aid’ singing live with Sam Lewis. This was a wonderful opportunity for the children to let their hair down and sing and dance together.  
