Maths Day - Times Table Rock Stars
On Friday 22nd October 2021 the school had a maths day. The theme was multiplication and the schools online support Time Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). The pupils and staff dressed as their favourite Times Table Rock Star avatar. They looked fabulous.
In advance of the day, pupils were challenged to get sponsorship to complete multiplication challenges on TTRS. There were prizes for the class with highest average point score, as well as for the three most valuable players.
In the morning, Year 3 and 4 parents were invited into school to play multiplication games with their children. It was lovely to see an amazing 71 visitors support their children and learn how they learn the multiplication tables.
During the day, pupils identified how multiplication facts can be used in everyday life by a wide variety of people in their occupation. Then each class created their very own music video for a given multiplication table. The end of the day assembly, included performances of their music video live on ‘stage.’
***NEWSFLASH Maths Day raised a huge £1469.90 thank you all for your generous sponsorship***