I am pleased to share with you the school’s Ofsted report. I am sure you will join us in being very pleased to have achieved a Good grading across all categories in the Inspection Framework; to have it recognised that our safeguarding is effective and that “Leaders have ensured that safeguarding procedures are strong. The inspectors could see we “keep a close eye on pupils and are alert to any concerns.”
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, pupils, governors and families who work tirelessly to ensure it is always ‘GREAT’ at The Grange. The Grange Academy is indeed a ‘good’ school and I feel that we all have shared a sustained determination in continuing to strive to provide the very best quality of education.
The report acknowledges that “Pupils enjoy their learning at The Grange Academy.” It is especially rewarding for all teaching staff to have the acknowledgement that “Pupils appreciate the support and help they receive from their teachers.” The Ofsted inspector could see “There are positive relationships between adults and pupils which foster a sense of care. This helps pupils to feel safe.” I am very proud that the children at The Grange “Know what it means to be a good friend.”
The school community certainly has a lot to be proud of. Governors, staff, parents / carers and most importantly the pupils all work hard every day to create something very special here in our school. I thank you for your continued support of The Grange Academy, it is greatly valued and appreciated and we look forward to continuing to support your children in going from strength to strength.