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Year 3 Trip to Cambridge

Well who would have known that the Egyptians mummified not only people, but also cats and birds and baby alligators! Who would have known, that different canopic pots were used for different parts of the internal organs to be stored in, each with their own animal-god head! And who knew that having a snake on your head would protect you in the afterlife! 

Today, Year 3 proved to be excellent historians. They asked superb questions and observed the artefacts so carefully that they spotted things the curator had missed. We found that a statue of a cat God still had a jewel in its eye socket!  

We met 3000 year old Ramesses III (well his granite coffin) and looked carefully at all the elaborate carvings, including his headdress, goddess protectors and his crook and whip. 

The children also had the opportunity to explore the rest of the museum and enjoyed finding all the highlights on their worksheet. The armoury room was very popular with its many suits of armour (for knights and horses) along with guns, jousting poles and lots and lots of swords! 

After lunch, we headed a short distance to the botanic gardens to look for signs of spring. The daffodils, crocuses and snow drops were blooming! We talked about and sketched some flowers paying attention to the stamens, filaments anthers. (Of course the children also had a good run around in the grass maze and hid under enormous trees!) 

A huge thank you to our adult helpers. You are essential to these trips.  

The children were great and we all had a fabulous day.  
