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  • Remembrance Day

    Mon 30 Nov 2020

    Pupils at The Grange commemorated Armistice Day on Wednesday 11th November. The children listened to an assembly talking about the significance of the Remembrance and remembering those who have fought and fallen in war; the children then held a minute silence at 11pm. 

    Each year group also created their own commemorative poppy wreaths symbolising each of the four poppies: 

    Year 3: The black poppy commemorates the contributions of African and Caribbean communities to the war effort as service men and women and as civilians. 

    Year 4: The purple poppy is often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war. 

    Year 5: The red poppy (most often the most recognisable) is a symbol for both remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. 

    Year 6: The white poppy is worn as a symbol for peace and a challenge to attempt to glamorise or celebrate war. 

    The poppy wreaths will be displayed in the main school corridor as a symbol of our children’s understanding and commemoration of remembrance. 

  • Livestreaming

    Mon 30 Nov 2020
    The Grange are now live and ready for action with livestreaming lessons. The staff have been busy training and practising with the children using Google Classroom alongside Google Meet in the eventuality we have children isolating or bubbles sent home. The technology has already been delivered in two year groups with children learning alongside those in school. The pupils were able to speak with the class teaching assistants through live chat which meant they could take part in the same discussions happening in the classroom. When talking about the livestream, one pupil said: “I found it a lot easier than the last lockdown as I could hear the lesson and follow along with everyone in school.” 